Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reb Shimon By Eizik Honig

Truthfully, I don't feel like keeping up this blog anymore because Google Adsense has disabled my account for no rhyme or reason. But this blog was making on average only 1 cent a day... not even a dollar a month. So I'll continue it for the simple reason that it's easy, it's fun, and it can give my readers a quick lift a day.

Here is a very moving song in Yiddish by R' Eizik Honig. It's something that really drives home for me... it's about a childless couple traveling to Meron to R' Shimon's kever to daven for a child and promise to name him Shimon. Since I went through this myself, this clip makes me cry. The footage of Lag B'Omer in Meron is beautiful and moving as well.

Enjoy... if such a clip can be enjoyed.